local eats week is a prix fixed dining promotion that encourages diners to experience the best culinary that the Plymouth area has to offer. The goal is to increase traffic to restaurants during a time of year that is not at its peak. Held in April, experience exceptional food during this week-long extravaganza. For a list of participating restaurants, visit www.localeatsweek.com.

local eats week
Bark In The Park
Held annually in May, Bark in the Park is the ultimate fun filled day for pet lovers and a day packed with loads of excitement for our furry friends! Event activities include 30 pet related vendors and non-profit organizations, food vendors for both dog and people alike, live entertainment, adoption parade, contests, rabies vaccine, Police K-9 demonstration, blessing of the dogs and so much more!

Halloween On Main Street
Witches, Goblins and Ghosts, Oh My! Halloween on Main Street takes place in October with a Trick-Or-Treat Walk throughout downtown Plymouth. Event starts at Plymouth Memorial Hall and families visit over 75 participating local merchants. There is plenty of fun for the entire family.

Plymouth Waterfront Festival
Each summer in August, the PACC holds its Plymouth Waterfront Festival throughout Plymouth’s historic waterfront. Festival events include; annual duck race, two stages of live entertainment, arts & crafts show featuring over 250 exhibitors, local non-profits and the annual Motor Head’s Cruise-In Car Show. The goal of this one day festival is to highlight not only the Town of Plymouth, but also all our local merchants, artisans, crafters and entertainers, and to provide a day full of entertainment for the visitor and resident alike. Over 35 years running, the Plymouth Waterfront Festival is one of the largest events in Plymouth with attendees exceeding 30,000. For complete Waterfront Festival information, visit www.plymouthwaterfrontfestival.com.
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